Pet Diagnostics and Radiology
Pet diagnostics are used by your veterinarian to detect a wide variety of illnesses and diseases. They can also be used to diagnose injuries in pets who have suffered trauma. If you live in the Atlanta, GA area and have questions about our diagnostic services, contact the Belle Isle Animal Hospital for more information.
What Bloodwork Can Detect
They type of blood work ordered for your pet during an annual visit depends greatly on the region where you live and the types of conditions your pet is exposed to. For example, southern cities may require a test for tick disease whereas it might not be necessary for busy northern cities.
Bloodwork may be taken monthly, weekly, daily or annually depending on the needs of your pet. A CBC or blood cell analysis test looks at the red blood cells (RBC) and takes measures about how many there are. A low count can indicate anemia. A high hematocrit or packed cell volume can indicate dehydration. The CBC can detail what might be going on in your pet’s bone marrow, spleen or kidneys. A high white blood cell count indicates infection or inflammation. Additionally, bloodwork can tell the number of platelets in the blood. Low platelet counts prevent your pet’s blood from clotting properly after surgery or trauma. Other conditions that are detected through bloodwork include autoimmune diseases, blood cancers, bacterial and viral infections, and parasitic diseases.
Types of Diagnostics
Along with bloodwork, diagnostic testing includes X-rays, ultrasounds, blood pressure tests, urine cultures and any additional radiology and sample tests that help your veterinarian make a diagnosis.
An ultrasound sends sound waves into your pet to help evaluate your pet’s internal organs. It can check for pregnancy, evaluate masses, and detect other abnormalities without the use of invasive procedures.
Digital X-rays
X-rays are often used alongside an ultrasound to get a complete picture of what is going on with your pet. This test can indicate breaks and fractures in bones, growth abnormalities and even show signs of lung and heart issues.
By analyzing your pet’s urine, your veterinarian can detect traces of protein, glucose and even the number of ketones. Urine issues can detect the health of the kidneys, pregnancy, bladder stones and other conditions, including bacteria levels in the body.
Pets who are having spinal issues may undergo a radiographic examination of the spinal cord. This type of imaging can pinpoint various types of spinal cord injuries and disorders.
Contact Our Belle Isle Animal Hospital in Atlanta, GA Today!
If you live in Atlanta GA and have a pet who is unwell and requires the need for diagnostics, contact the Belle Isle Animal Hospital at (404) 252-3587 to schedule an appointment for treatment.